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Zodiac Geocoins or Geocaching Medals
Initially, I was not going to include a section on Zodiac Geocaching coins. I felt that most of the designs were not that memorable and it was (and still is) unclear to me if these types of coins will hold any value over time. I was mapping out the Zodiac medal and coin categories and just couldn't find enough good content to include this section. I even dreamed that I would create this page over a year ago, but just could not get inspired to do it. Well, I got inspired.
What is Geocaching?
To understand what geocaching is all about, let's take a look at its history. In the spring of 2000, the U.S. government discontinued Selective Availability, its practice of degrading publicly-available GPS signals. Under this initiative, the GPS inserted random errors in signals for commercial receivers that made accurately determining your position impossible – your reading could be off by as much as 300 feet. The purpose of the program was to give the U.S. Military an advantage with GPS hardware. However, the military developed technology that would allow them to scramble GPS signals over sensitive areas, so Selective Availability became obsolete. Once it was switched off, it became possible for someone with a commercial GPS receiver to determine their own location with much greater accuracy. These days, you can usually determine your position within a range of 6 to 20 feet. This increase in accuracy is what makes geocaching feasible.
Like many technologies, GPS receivers inspired a community of enthusiasts and early adopters. GPS receiver owners were excited that they would have access to much more accurate data much earlier than expected (the government had originally planned to turn off Selective Availability in 2006). One of these enthusiasts, Dave Ulmer, thought it might be fun to test GPS receiver accuracy by hiding a container in a remote area in Oregon and then posting the container's coordinates on a GPS user group on the Web. He put a logbook, a pencil and several small prizes in the container. His post included the instruction, "Take some stuff, leave some stuff."
It took only three days before two GPS enthusiasts found the container (independently of one another) and reported back to the user group. The container was left in the same position so that other people could find it and log their experience.
Enterprising users began to create their own caches. Mike Teague, who was the first to find David's container, began to post cache coordinates on his own Web site. At first, the game was called "GPS Stash Hunt," though it didn't take long before other players suggested alternative names. Matt Stum suggested geocaching, combining the words geo, meaning Earth, and cache, meaning a temporary storage location. The name gained wide acceptance and is the most popular term used to describe the game today.
Caching primarily involved using GPS technology to discover ammo cans hidden deep in the woods, then the seekers would write long entries into pre-placed log books. But geocaching's path changed forever (and for the better) when Jon Stanley, aka Moun10Bike, created and placed the very first geocoin in a cache near Deception Pass in Washington State, USA.
Not only is Jon a legend of geocaching, but he's also a Charter Member and now works as a System Analyst/Lackey with Groundspeak. Back in 2001, he was coming up on his 100th cache find. Jon wanted a signature item to launch in time for that milestone and had heard about military challenge coins from a fellow cacher. They sounded like the perfect geocaching item – compact, easy to carry, durable – so he designed and minted a set of personalized coins that he dubbed "geocoins." From this initial idea, customized geocoins took off and became a popular way to find treasure in the woods.
How are Geocoins created?
Small mints and privately owned awards and medal companies have largely taken on the task of creating geocoins. In a very short period of time, they have innovated with finishing options that most traditional government mints don't normally do like multi-layered enamel finished and complex designs that currency doesn't support because of the cost to do them. Many geocoin mints come up with their own designs and employ artists to create them and most will allow anyone to submit designs to them for manufacture.
Many of these geocoins are made to be trackable on various websites to show the movement around the world and visitors to be able to leave comments when they find the geocoin. Each coin has a unique tracking I.D., which can also be used when logging it to a designated website. Many people have started to collect them for their beauty and unique designs and some fetch notable prices even though they contain no real monetary or metallic value.
What are Geocoin Designs?
A geocoin typically has a diameter of 1.5 inches (38 mm) to 2 inches (51 mm) and a thickness between 0.098 inches (2.5 mm) and 0.16 inches (4 mm). Coins with the size of 1 inch (25 mm) are called microcoins, because they fit into microcaches (e.g. film canister). The smallest geocoins with a diameter of 0.5 inches (13 mm) are called nanocoins, and have been sold since 2009. If the diameter is larger than 3 inches (76 mm) the geocoin is called macrocoin, and contains the saying of "that's not a coin it's an anchor".
Antique Finish: A finish applied to copper, gold, or silver to give it a darker look. This finish is used often to have the fine details in a coin stand out more clearly.
Foggy Painting: Paint finish simulating metal applied surface. Can have gloss, shine or luster but lacking definition (foggy details).
Misty: Silver or gold finish simulating the effect of unpolished areas of a proof coin.
Proof-like: Effect attained on high quality die stuck coins by high pressure and multiple strikes producing mirror finish background with satin finish relief areas
Satin or Matte Finish: A finish giving a matte (non-glossy) look to the metal. A misused term as traditionally (in fabric) a satin finish often has a level of gloss associated with it.
Silver: Either plated with silver, .999 solid silver or silver-like nickel-plated (shiny nickel).
Geocoin Collecting Terms
A.E.: Artists Edition: type of S.E.; a version of a retail commercial geocoin only made available to the designer of the coin.
L.E.: Limited Edition: Typically a different version (color, metal, etc.) than the main run of coins. Produced in a limited quantity one time only.
RE: Regular Edition: not produced in a limited in number thus may be repriced according to demand as dies are held by the mint for a minimum of three years.
S.E.: Special Edition: Typically a different version to the main run of coins, but unlike L.E., XLE or XXLE no limit on the number minted, and they may be re-minted at any time.
XLE: Extra Limited Edition: Same as L.E., only fewer.
XXLE: Extremely Limited Edition: Same as XLE only fewer.
HTF: Hard to Find: refers to ease of acquiring through purchase or trade, not total mint numbers
VHTF: Very Hard to Find: refers to ease of acquiring through purchase or trade, not total mint numbers
Proof Coin: This can mean the sample coins provided by the mint or the effect attained on high quality die stuck coins by high pressure and multiple strikes producing mirror finish background with satin finish relief areas.
Sample Coin: The sample coins provided by the mint. Some sample geocoins do not have tracking numbers and are usually created to see if the designs are acceptable.
While this game has grown in popularity and continues to gain newcomers, whether it will last over generations is very hard to tell. It could simply just be a generational fad. The geocoins at this point would really only retain value to a very small group of collectors, but if you love something, and you find the designs beautiful and compelling, then who am I to say if it's worthwhile to collect them?

Zodiac & Calendar Geocoins
How to Organize a Coin Collection > or maybe how not to...
Designer: Currently Unknown
Navigating by the Stars Set: It is currently unknown to me who created the designs for this set, but I believe that some form of publicly known clipart was used. The black and gold designs are classic and the glow in the dark constellations are a very nice touch. I have only seen the coin designs in brass with black enamel paint in the recesses. There is also a small amount of phosphorescent paint in the stars of the zodiac constellation (see below for example).
Company/Mint: Coins and Pins, Oscada, MI
Year Made: 2006
Stats: 42mm x 3mm (approximate)
Purpose: Custom Made Geocoin
Availability: VHTF - discontinued
My Thoughts: This set of coins was popular at the time, but I can find no information on the artist, number of coins minted or who originally developed the Idea. If anyone has more information about this set, I would very much like to know more about them.

GeoCoin Details: The image can be magnified so that you can see the details of the coins better. This contains the Virgo front and obverse, Aires front and Leo in the dark so you can better see the glow-in-the-dark effect.

Designer: Coins and Pins
Planisphere Coin: This is a functional planisphere coin that you can actually use to locate constellations.
Planispheres are maps of the celestial stars as seen from earth. They are the replacement for the planispheric astrolabe. Planispheres drastically reduced the complexities of the planispheric astrolabes and they mapped the heavens in an easier to follow chart. The first star chart to be called a planisphere was created in 1624. Planispheres are great for learning the constellations and knowing the exact position of the stars at a particular time to get more accurate readings when used with other navigational tools such as the quadrant, nocturnal,
astrolabe, back staff, and sextant.

How to use it:
1. Align the planisphere coin, so the correct horizon name matches with the horizon you are viewing. For example: if you are looking at the northern horizon, hold the coin upside down so the name "North" meets downward with the actual northern horizon. If you are looking east, hold the coin on its side so the name "East" meets with the actual eastern horizon. The example below shows the coin rotated to match with the western horizon.
2. Rotate the disk to match with the current day and hour.
Size: 3.25" diameter
Coloring: Printed and enamel colors
Northern: a polished gold case with a polished nickel star disk
"NA" tracking number prefix for first 100 northern hemisphere geocoins made -
Southern: polished nickel case with polished gold star disk

Designer: Coins and Pins
Nocturnal Planisphere Coin: This is a functional nocturnal coin that you can actually use to tell the time during the night and get your latitudinal deviation. The nocturnal navigational tool stood the test of time. Its purpose is to tell time at night so you can gain a more accurate latitude and longitude reading. The first written evidence of a nocturnal was discovered in the year 1272. It was refined in the 1500s to tell more accurate time and was used well into the late 1800s and partially used into the early 1900s. Two disadvantages of the Nocturnal is it can only be used at night, and only when the pole star Polaris and either of the two dippers is visible. However, it also had a great advantage since it can be used at night when a sundial could not be used. The nocturnal can only be used in the northern hemisphere unless you know how to triangulate the southern axis point and align the correct stars, but the deviation scales can only be used in the northern hemisphere. Using a nocturnal in conjunction with a quadrant will yield a more accurate latitude reading. The use of a planisphere is most helpful to find the correct stars to use.
How to use it:
1. You will have to wait until it is nighttime. I know you are eager to put this coin into use, but trust me when I say it is worth the wait.
2. Determine which of the dipper constellations you will use to take your reading.
3. Then choose the corresponding tab on the time disk and align it with the current date. Further instructions here.
Size: 3" diameter
Coloring: Printed and enamel colors
Three attached moving parts
Finishings: 4 options in gold, silver, Silver with Enamel & Gold with Enamel

Designer: Chris Mackey
Groundspeak Zodiac Set: This set was commissioned by the official store of Geocaching and Groundspeak.
Company/Mint: Unknown to me
Year Made: 2018 to Present
Stats: 45mm x 4mm thick
Purpose: Custom Made Geocoin
Availability: Still in Production
My Thoughts: This is one of the best researched and most attractive western zodiac geocoin series to date. Every coin in the series of 13 is simply amazing and I hope that they will eventually come out with a collectors edition of the set in .999 silver or gold plated. The tracking code is located on the side of the coin which is also somewhat novel. The only oddity to the series is that some of the designs us cultural relief while others use enamel coloring to meet the design.
Well written words from the Artist of the Series:
For Taurus: While not as illustrious a story as some of the signs, Taurus or better known The Bull of Heaven dates all the way back beyond the Chalcolithic era and possibly even into the Upper Paleolithic! Leading experts believe he is even represented in the Hall of the Bulls in the ancient caves at Lascaux which date back to about 15,000 BC. He was worshiped throughout the early world by nation after nation after nation beginning as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and later throughout Egypt, Africa and on into Europe with the Druids, Greece, and ancient Rome. When it was first observed as a constellation, ancient humans realized that it crossed the plane of the ecliptic and marked the location of the sun during the Spring Equinox. It heralded the coming of spring to the northern hemisphere. When the spring equinox entered the Bull, the constellation would become covered by the sun in the western skyline and spring would begin.
For Virgo: The front of the coin features a graphically simplified version of the maiden in repose with her wings half-folded behind her and her uncut hair flowing. On the reverse, the symbol of the maiden with crossed legs is center within the Triplicity of Day Ruler, Night Ruler, and Participant positions. Sheaves of grain bracket either side as her symbol of fertility and her star constellation is centered below.
For Gemini: Despite the ever-popular theme of "the twins" being two women in depicting this zodiacal sign, that they are in fact, two young men. They are Castor and Pollux to be more exact. According to Greek mythology, Tyndareus, the king of Sparta and his beautiful wife Leda were expecting a child when Zeus grew enamored of the beautiful queen. Zeus transformed into the guise of a swan to approach and finally seduce Queen Leda. Shortly afterward the queen gave birth to two sons... the twins. Pollux, the son of Zeus was an immortal demi-god while his brother Castor was mortal. Both boys would become avid horsemen, athletes and scholarly. Sadly, Castor in his mortality died while still in the prime of his life in a rather strange feud over cattle with his cousins, but not before warning his brother. As Pollux was about to be struck with a spear, his father Zeus intervened and slew his rivals. Pollux was distraught and asked Zeus to save his mortal brother with the gift of immortality. Zeus then cast them both into the heavens as the constellation Gemini.
For Libra: I was surprised to learn that while often thought of as the scales, the personification of the Libra is the griffon. The scales do not indicate balance the way of right and wrong, but rather a perfect split between calmness and harmony with violence and action. The color for Libra is Chrysolite (Peridot in modern days), a cool green gem, slightly lighter in color than an emerald. In the Triplicity, the day ruler of Libra is Saturn, the night is Mercury and the participant is Jupiter. Libra is the time of balance when the hours of day and night match each other (the fall equinox), a time of righteousness and auspicious beginnings.
For Cancer: When I dove into the historical records of the crab I was quite surprised to find those oldest depictions did not show a crab at all, but rather a lobster or something lobster-like. Suddenly the symbol made so much more sense... a long curved body with a rounded tail tucked up almost into a circle below it rather like the profile of a shrimp, lobster or crayfish. Indeed, the ancient descriptions of Cancer referred to it as a shelled creature that resided in or near the shallows of any body of water. Over the eons, Cancer would be depicted as lobster, crayfish (Germanic), shrimp, scarabs (Egyptian), water beetle, scorpion and even a snapping turtle (Babylonian)! The idea of Cancer as the crab truly became established when Greek mythology set the crab Karkinos as an ally to the goddess Hera who would attempt to sabotage Hercules attempts to destroy the Lernaean Hydra. Karkinos attempted to distract Hercules during his battle and was rewarded with immortality by Hera becoming the constellation in the heavens.
For Leo: Leo is the Nemean Lion or Leon, a terrible monster that terrorized the countryside of Nemea in the Peloponnesus, a peninsula in the south of Greece. It was a cunning beast who was fabled to kidnap women and hold them hostage in its cave nearby. It would wait for brave warriors to come challenge it before rushing out to strike them down, devour their flesh and give their bones to Hades. In some tales Leo would even cast an enchantment to appear as a beautiful woman in distress and then attack would-be saviors while their guard was down. As the first of the 12 feats assigned to him, Heracles would eventually face off against the lion. He would first try to strike it down from a distance with a bow and arrow, but the hide of the beast was impervious to this attack. As the lion closed in, Heracles would try to stun him with his club, but this attack as well proved only marginally successful. He would finally have to strangle the lion to death. Recognizing the value of the impenetrable hide of the lion, Heracles would attempt to take the skin of the lion, but his blades were not sufficient for the job. Athena had watched the hunt from a distance and finally told Heracles to use the lion's own claws to penetrate the hide.
For Capricorn: Capricorn is one of the four cardinal signs of the Zodiac. The symbol is based on ancient Sumerian's earliest god of wisdom and water - Enki. Later known as Ea in ancient Babylon, Enki is the god of intelligence, craftsmanship, magic and all waters. The goat is a symbol of ambition, resolution, curiosity and resilience while the fish is symbolic of passion, spirituality, intuition and connection of the soul to the earth and the waters that flow through it. Inky is the patron god of crafts and through higher levels of skill...civilization. He has often been depicted with a horned crown and wearing a cape made from a great fish.
For Scorpio: Scorpio is one of the oldest constellations ever recorded. Ancient Sumerians referred to "Gir-Tab" (the scorpion) some 5,000 years ago and long before the first appearances of a divided zodiacal calendar in the Babylonian astronomy of the 1st Millennium B.C. Gir-Tab, "the sting that burns" is a complicated constellation made of 18 primary stars and located near the center of the Milky Way. Ancient mythology records that Scorpius was sent forth to destroy Orion after he boasted that he would hunt down and kill every animal on earth. Artemis, also a hunter, wasn't having it and sent her scorpion to challenge and ultimately defeat Orion. In the aftermath, the Gods raised up both Scorpius and Orion to the heavens where Orion continuously flees away from the scorpion across the night sky.
For Pisces: Pisces is known for having two fish, but it can be surprising to learn that the two fish are actually the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros(Cupid) in disguise. They donned the disguise of fish to escape the Typhon, the father of all monsters. The two fish are often illustrated as one residing in heaven (Aphrodite) and one residing on earth (Eros) and connected by a spiritual link or line between.
For Aries: The ram was both a winged ram like a Pegasus and also the golden fleece ram warded by the dragon of time. This is Chris Mackey's birth sign.
The 13th Sign - The Wheel: The final in the Zodiac series... The Great Wheel. This single zodiacal wheel is a compilation of 3 of the most notable wheels in modern history... The Ptolemaic Wheel, the Cosmic Clock of Halevi and the Zodiacal Charts of Hermes Trismegistus, the duality god of Greco-Roman/ Egyptian melding. The constellations, their signs, house divisions and triplicity charting are encompassed between the two faces and the outer edge showcases the original zodiacal stones according the breastplate of Aaron from the Book of Exodus. At the center is the heavenly form of the Hemphta, the panamorphic diety of combined cultures that symbolizes the center-point of universal knowledge.

Image Details of the Set:

Designer: Donald E. Scott, Manufactured by Coins & Pins
Cosmolabe Coin: The Cosmolabe Geocoin™ is a fantasy navigational instrument. Just as an astrolabe helps navigate from point to point on the world, the Cosmolabe Geocoin is meant to guide the user from world to world through different dimensions. The original was designed and created as a prop for the movie Worldwalker.
On the obverse side, the user places the reticle of the dial over the symbol for the world they are currently in, then they place the reticle of the beam over the world they wish to travel to. The endpoints of the beam then point to the rune components needed to create the gate between worlds. You may notice that it is not always possible to travel from any given world to another. There are fictional reasons for this, but the truth is that such a limitation was necessary for the movie's plot. On the reverse side, the user can select the rune components and activate the gate.
The text on the Cosmolabe Geocoin is the Voynich script. This is an actual alphabet from a historical text on alchemy (possibly) that has never been decoded. This geocoin design is used with permission from the original artist. The celestial background photos are used with permission from Donald E. Scott of The Electric Sky.
The Cosmolabe Geocoins are approximately 3 & 3/16ths" tall and 10mm thick. They were done in antique gold and silver and has four moving parts. The tracking numbers are engraved directly into the edge of each coin, preserving its permanence. Each coin is trackable on

I believe these are still in limited production, and I can find them still for sale. I really like the design aesthetics and the overall concept is very cool. It comes across more like some sort of magical device than any type of coin or medal.

Designer: Unknown
Star Map XXXL Geocoin: The Star Map Geocoin was minted by and issued in several editions and Batches. It's one of the largest functional coins in the world. The front side shows a working star map for Central Europe, and on the backside, all zodiac signs are displayed. The coin was presented and sold on the Mega PROJECT: GeoGames in Leipzig, Germany, from the 29th of June, 2012 till the 1st of July, 2012. Note that it's not an event coin! In the online shop, the coin was sold on the 2nd of December 2012. It is currently not in production and is assumed to be VHTF. It was produced in two batches, and the batch information can be found here.
Stats on the Starmap Geocoin:
Size: 110 x 110mm
Purpose: Functional Rotating Star map
Weight: 530 grams

Designer: Geoswag
Mayan Spinner Coin: This four-part spinner geocoin has the Mayan Calendar on the front side and the Haab and the Tzolkin on the back. The Haab is a 365-day solar calendar which is divided into 18 months of 20 days each and one month which is only 5 days long (Uayeb). The calendar has an outer ring of Mayan glyphs (pictures) which represent each of the 19 months. Each day is represented by a number in the month followed by the name of the month. Each glyph represents a personality associated with the month. The coin includes a clear hard plastic case for storing/displaying and a matching copy tag.
The divine calendar is also known as the Sacred Round "Tzolkin," which means "the distribution of the days." It is a 260-day calendar, with 20 periods of 13 days used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events. Each day is numbered from one to thirteen and then repeated. The day is also given a name (glyph) from a sequence of 20-day names. The calendar repeats itself after each cycle.
Diameter 50.4 mm (2"), thickness 3.5 mm. It is no longer in production and is VHTF.

Designer: Karen Jordan
Final Fortune Zodiac Set: This set was commissioned by the artist in very short runs of about 30 total in each finish. Each coin was done in five different finishes.
Company/Mint: John-Paul Barr (JP Geocoins)
Year Made: 2018 to Present
Stats: ~70mm x 5mm thick, high relief & weigh 70 grams
Purpose: Custom Made Geocoin
Availability: Still in Limited Production
My Thoughts: Attractive and large and remind me of the Memento Mouri set with skeletal designs. Not all coins have been released in the set yet, and at small runs of 15 to 30, they will become collector's items quickly. As they become available, I will add in the newer designs for reference.
About this Series:
For Cancer: Karen Jordan is a UK based artist who works in Pixelism (tiny dots), so each of her works of art takes hours to complete. Karen has produced a series of artwork based on the signs of the zodiac for Geocache Land to produce as geocoins.
Each of the twelve pieces of art is being painstakingly converted to 3D mint ready designs by Jon-Paul Barr (JP's GeoDesigns). As you will understand, to keep as much of the original detail as possible this is a very slow and painstaking process.
This geocoin has been designed by Jon-Paul Barr, based on Karen Jordan's idea. Karen's original artwork did not fit in with the series, so Jon-Paul started afresh using all Karen's work as inspiration. The final version features a Hermit Crab using a human skull as a shell.
For Taurus: The God Zeus, was in love with a beautiful princess called Europa. Zeus could change himself into anything he wanted so he turned himself into a beautiful white bull and mingled with the rest of Europa’s herd. Europa was immediately attracted to this beautiful beast and became very friendly with it. One day she went for a ride on its back and the bull traveled away over the seas with her, where he revealed himself as the handsome god Zeus. This form of Zeus was placed in the skies as a constellation, now known as Taurus, the bull.
For Aries: A winged golden ram was sent by Hermes to fly Phrixus and his sister, Helle, away from the evil designs of their stepmother to a sanctuary in the city of Colchis. Helle fell off into a river en route, at a place that became Hellespont and Phrixus sacrificed the golden ram in the Grove of Ares, hanging the Golden Fleece there. This, in Greek mythology, is the story of Aries.
For Gemini: Continuing on the skull and bones theme, Gemini represents the twin gods Castor and Pollux, sons of the great god Zeus. They were the friends and protectors of all seamen. Because of all the work they did to protect men of the sea they were immortalized as a constellation.

European Astronomical Clock Series Geocoins ( 4-coin set)
Prague Astronomical Clock: These are beautifully elaborate Geocoins. The front depicts the face of the Prague astronomical clock, while the back features an intricate clock mechanism design. The medieval astronomical clock in Prague's main square is called the Orloj. It was installed in 1410 and it is the oldest working example in the world. Considered a form of mechanical astrolabe or primitive planetarium, the clock displays more than 20 different astronomical data and events. The time measured is old Czech.
Each coin comes engraved with a unique tracking number. They are fully trackable on Finished to an excellent standard. They have a weighty and substantial feel.
The Geocoin has a unique icon (see top right of the photo). This icon appears in a Geocaches inventory. If you own the Geocoin, it appears in the "trackables" section of your Geocaching profile. When people find the Geocoin, it will appear in their inventory and in their tracking history.
5 cm (2") in diameter and 5 mm thick. These are slightly larger than normal Geocoins.

Strasbourg Cathedral Astronomical Clock: This 2" ornately detailed geocoin features the astronomical clock face on the south side of Strasbourg Cathedral, Alsace, France. The signs of the zodiac and roman numerals are also visible. The Strasbourg Cathedral astronomical clock was completed in 1843 and is the third such clock on the site. This clock is from the south transept and includes the days of the week in French. This is the artist edition XLE, 1 of 25 minted.

St. Mary's Astronomical Clock: The St. Mary's Church astronomical clock in Lubeck, Germany, is an important horological and art history piece. The clock displays planetary positions, phases of the sun and moon, signs of the zodiac, and the date on which Easter falls. The Lubeck Astronomical Clock is part of the Astronomical Clocks series. St. Mary's Church in Lübeck (German: Marienkirche, officially St. Marien zu Lübeck) was built between 1250 and 1350. It has always been a symbol of the power and prosperity of the old Hanseatic city and is situated at the highest point of the island that forms the old town of Lübeck. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the old Hanseatic City of Lübeck.

Ulm Town Hall Astronomical Clock: The Ulm Town Hall in Germany features an astronomical clock, a masterpiece of medieval horology, featuring 15 different astronomical data and events. Constructed in 1581 by the principal clockmaker of the times, Isaak Habrecht of Strasburg, the clock's zodiac, hands, and face are all detailed and intricately designed. The Ulm Astronomical Clock is part of the Astronomical Clocks series.

Compass Rose 10th Anniversary Edition Set:
This coin marks the 10th anniversary of the official Compass Rose Geocoin®series. This compass rose design is not based on an actual Compass Rose but incorporates design aspects from the previous Compass Rose Geocoin series dating the years 2010 to 2014.
The back of this coin focuses on the ancient and large constellation Argo Navis. The constellation has since been divided into three separate constellations: Carina (the keel of the ship), Puppis (the stern of the vessel), and Vela (the sails of the ship). Pyxis (the mariner’s compass) was formerly a part of the Argo’s mast, but is now considered its own separate constellation.
The image shown on the back is based on the Argo Navis drawing by Johannes Hevelius, a polish astronomer known as “the founder of lunar topography” for his detailed charts of the moon’s surface. This drawing had been included in his star catalog, Prodromus Astronomiae. The zodiac signs circling this image signifies the other constellations that are found on his maps of the sky.
The 10th Year Anniversary Compass Rose Geocoin® is made in five different versions:
Argo Navis - Black nickel with polished nickel (Limited Edition)
Vela - Antique copper with polished nickel
Puppis - Antique bronze
Carina - Polished 24k gold
Pyxis - Polished nickel
Measures 2" (50.8mm) diameter
Translucent and solid hard enamel colors
Glitter hard enamel colors
Some versions have glow-in-the-dark colors
Detailed 3-D images on the front and back of the coin
Swarovski gemstones on the front side

50 Year Calendar Geocoin:
This 50 Years Calendar Geocoin is the largest, trackable, functional, produced Geocoin of the World. On the front side, there is a working 50 years calendar, which shows a monthly view (weekday/date) from 2005 to 2054 (part can be turned to set the correct year).
Depicted on the rear side is the so-called stone of the Aztecs, "stone of the sun". The calendar of the Aztecs is, like our calendar based on the "solar calendar".
Measures 100mm diameter
Translucent and solid hard enamel colors
230 grams weight
Several color/metal combination themes have been made to date.